Retail Therapy Clinic

Shopping 4 Good

Born out of a desire to bring a voice to the voiceless, Retail Therapy Clinic, began its journey with one guiding principle - to develop a holistically ethical supply chain from concept to consumer and back to earth

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Iran Zameen Collection

Iran Zameen Collection

beautiful pieces designed to help you show Iranian Pride and love of... 

Bazaarche Apparel

Bazaarche Vintage

A collection of our most popular vintage Iranian designs featuring iconic brands and nostalgia.

Our Customer Service Policy

Don't Worry, We'll Make It Right!

That's our general Customer Service Policy at Retail Therapy Clinic. So, on the off chance you have a concern with your order, just send us an email and let us know and we will either offer you a replacement or a Full Refund.

  • Sizing

    One of the most disliked parts of shopping online is not knowing if you're picking the right size. This page is here to demystify the process - at least when using our site, that is!

    How Do I pick the Right Size? 
  • Nakh Midi?

    These Iconic Tees are one of our Customer Favourites and are a tribute to the days when Iran was Iran.

    Nakh Midi 
  • Zan Zendegi Azadi

    100% of proceeds from this collection is donated to the Centre for Human Rights in Iran and the PS752JUSTICE Fund

    Zan Zendegi Azadi 
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